Embrace the Receiving Mode: Affirmations Inspired by Abraham Hicks
This comprehensive article delves into the essence of aligning with your desires, offering daily affirmations, meditation techniques, and gratitude practices to enhance your receptivity.

Understanding the Receiving Mode
The concept of the receiving mode, as explained by Abraham Hicks, revolves around aligning oneself with the frequency of their desires. This state of receptivity is essential for manifesting one's dreams and aspirations. By tuning into the receiving mode, we open ourselves to the abundance and opportunities that the universe offers.
The Power of Affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements that help reprogram our subconscious mind, fostering a mindset conducive to receiving. They are powerful tools that, when used consistently, can shift our vibrational frequency and align us with our goals.
Read Also: 63 New Home Affirmations To Attract The House Of Your Dreams

132 Affirmations To Get In The Receiving Mode And Stop Blocking Your Manifestation
- I am accepting of all the good that is coming to me.
- I am open to receiving the good that is coming to me.
- I easily let go of what doesn't serve me.
- I radiate positive energy and attract only good things.
- Everything happens in perfect timing for me.
- I trust the process of life.
- Good things are on their way to me.
- I easily manifest what I desire.
- Positive thoughts attract positive experiences.
- I am a magnet for good luck and abundance.
- I am grateful for all the good in my life.
- Life is giving me exactly what I need.
- I allow myself to be happy and prosperous.
- Thank you, life, for all the blessings I am receiving.
- I am open to abundance and joy in all areas of my life.
- I know that I can have whatever I want, and I deserve the best.
- I accept myself exactly as I am.
- I release any negative beliefs or thoughts about myself.
- I now choose to think positively about myself and believe in my abilities.
- I accept and receive all the good that is coming to me.
- I am open and receptive to receiving blessings.
- I have faith in the flow of the universe.
- Life is conspiring in my favor for my highest good.
- Thank you, universe, for all the good that is coming my way.
- I am open to receiving prosperity in all areas of my life.
- I allow myself to experience life to the fullest.
- I am grateful for the blessing of life that I am constantly receiving with every breath I take.
- I am open and receptive to all the good that is coming my way.
- Thank you, life, for all the abundance and joy that I am experiencing now.
- I am open to giving and receiving more love, always.
- I now choose to believe in my own power and potential.
- My positive energy opens the door for the universe to flow in and do its work.
- The more I trust the process of life, the better my life becomes.
- I am a powerful creator and can manifest anything I desire.
- The universe, and all matter, is on my side.
- All things work out for me, if not, they were not for me.
- I am grateful for the good that is coming to me.
- I am thankful for all the blessings I am receiving.
- I release any guilt, shame, or regret from my past that is no longer serving me
- I forgive myself for any mistakes I may have made in the past.
- I forgive myself for any negative thoughts or beliefs I may have had about
- myself.
- I now choose to let go of all resentment, bitterness, and anger.
- I choose to fill my heart with love and light.
- I choose to think positively about myself and believe in my abilities.
- I accept all the good that is coming to me.
- I am worthy of love and respect.
- I am a valuable person.
- I deserve the best that life has to offer.
- I deserve to be happy and fulfilled.
- I am worthy of all the good things in life.
- I am worthy of love.
- I am worthy of abundance.
- My life is unfolding in perfect order for me.
- I honor myself by being compassionate with myself and others
- I am open and receptive to all the wonderful things that are coming my way.
- I am grateful for all the good that is coming my way.
- I accept and receive prosperity in all areas of my life.
- I accept that all good things happen in divine timing.
- Money, love and success are attracted to me.
- I allow myself to feel happy and fulfilled now.
- I am a magnet for all the good that life has to offer.
- I am going to succeed.
- I am the hero of my own journey.
- I am divinely guided and supported at all times.
- Step by step, and day by day, I gain success in every way.
- I am thankful for all the good that is coming my way.
- Prosperity and abundance are flowing into my life now.
- I am open to receiving all the good that life has to offer.
- I am grateful for all the blessings I receive with every breath I take.
- I see my goals in front of me clear as day.
- Each breath I take gets me closer and closer to my goals.
- Every action I make gets me closer and closer to my goals.
- My thoughts attract my reality.
- What I constantly think, I become.
- I see myself attracting my goals to me with every step I take.
- I see my goal in my grasp, and I thank the universe for bringing it to me.
- I see what I've been trying to manifest as mine, and I already own it.
- I see that what I had to do to get what I wanted was simpler than I thought.
- I see myself enjoying and using what I wanted clearly in front of me.
- I am grateful for the universe working in harmony with me toward my goals.
- I am grateful for trusting myself and not allowing negativity to stop my growth.
- I am grateful for my intuition, which always guides me in the right direction.
- I am grateful for my positive thoughts and actions, which are attracting all the good that I desire.
- I am grateful for the good that is coming to me at every moment.
- I trust and accept that there is a formless substance that permeates, penetrates, and infiltrates the interspaces of the universe and that I can connect with this substance to bring about my desires.
- I know that the more I am in alignment with what I want, the faster it will come to me.
- I am grateful for the perfect timing of all that is happening in my life now.
- I am grateful for all the abundance and joy that I am experiencing now.
- Thank you, life, for all the good that is coming my way.
- I see myself clearly achieving my goals.
- I see every step it takes to reach my goals.
- I am excited to work toward my goals.
- I take pleasure in manifesting my reality.
- I am ready to work toward my dream life and see what I want come manifest in front of me.
- I will work toward my goals today in a focused and calm manner.
- I will ignore all distractions until my task is done.
- I will take action steps today that will bring me closer to my goals.
- I open myself up to all the good that life has to offer.
- I open myself up to receiving all the abundance and joy that is waiting for me.
- I open myself up to the perfect timing of all that is happening in my life now.
- Miracles happen to me, my dreams manifest.
- I move courageously toward my goals and dreams.
- I move assertively toward my goals and dreams.
- I move with faith and purpose toward my goals and dreams.
- I ignore all distractions on my journey to my best self.
- I remain positive and composed at all times.
- I breathe in and experience the peace of the moment.
- I visualize my goals coming to fruition.
- I am thankful for all that I have at this moment.
- I am grateful for my good thoughts and actions, which are attracting all of the wonderful things that I desire.
- I am grateful for every blessing that is coming my way.
- I am grateful for every event that comes to me so I can practice my faith with a relaxed and creative approach.
- I am one with the source of all good.
- The more I am in alignment with what I want, the faster it will come to me.
- I allow myself to be in the flow of the universe.
- I have all of the tools necessary to create my dream life and manifest what I desire.
- I trust that the universe will guide me to where I need to be.
- The more I focus on what I want, the faster it comes to me.
- I will work toward my goals today in a calm and determined manner.
- I will move with the pluck and grit necessary to complete all that I set set out to do until the task has been completed.
- The only thing that is stopping me from achieving my goals and dreams is myself.
- I will not give up on myself.
- I am worth the effort it takes to achieve my goals and dreams.
- I am capable of anything that I put my mind to.
- I know that I can do this.
- I will succeed.
- I am grateful for the universe working in harmony with me to manifest my desires.
- I trust that all is working out for my highest good.
- I allow myself to experience the peace of the moment.
- I am grateful for all that I have at this moment.
- I am grateful for my ability to work toward my goals at any moment in my life.

Techniques to Enhance the Receiving Mode
Meditation and Visualization
Meditation and visualization are effective methods to cultivate the receiving mode. By quieting the mind and focusing on positive imagery, we can enhance our vibrational alignment.
- Meditation: Spend at least 10 minutes daily in a quiet space, focusing on your breath and allowing your mind to relax.
- Visualization: Picture your desired outcomes vividly. Imagine the sights, sounds, and feelings associated with your goals.
Gratitude Practice
Gratitude is a powerful emotion that raises our vibrational frequency. By regularly acknowledging and appreciating what we already have, we create a positive feedback loop that attracts more blessings.
- Gratitude Journaling: Write down at least three things you are grateful for each day.
- Expressing Thanks: Verbally thank people and situations that bring joy into your life.

Overcoming Common Blocks
Limiting Beliefs
Limiting beliefs can hinder our ability to enter the receiving mode. Identifying and challenging these beliefs is crucial for personal growth.
- Identify: Recognize thoughts that limit your potential (e.g., "I am not good enough").
- Challenge: Replace these thoughts with empowering affirmations (e.g., "I am capable and deserving").
Negative Emotions
Negative emotions such as fear, doubt, and anger can block our receptivity. Addressing and processing these emotions is essential for maintaining a high vibrational state.
- Emotional Release: Allow yourself to feel and release negative emotions through activities like journaling, talking to a trusted friend, or physical exercise.
- Positive Focus: Redirect your focus to positive aspects of your life and practice self-compassion.

Visualization Technique Diagram
To better understand visualization techniques, we've created a diagram to show the process to get into the receiving mode.

This diagram illustrates the process of visualization and getting into a meditative state to allow the affirmations to sink in.

Embracing the receiving mode through consistent practice of affirmations, meditation, and gratitude can significantly enhance our ability to manifest our desires. By overcoming limiting beliefs and negative emotions, we align ourselves with the universe's abundance, paving the way for a fulfilling and prosperous life.
By combining positive affirmations with practical tools and techniques such as the ones listed above, you are setting yourself up for success! Developing habits of discipline and being mindful of how you use your time will help to make you more efficient, which in turn will give you more time to do the things you love.
Get the most out of these affirmations by watching our affirmation video! By engaging with the affirmations through both audio and visual elements, the messages are more deeply embedded into the mind, leading to greater understanding and internalization of key concepts. This is the perfect way to begin your day feeling refreshed, motivated, and organized!
We hope these affirmations have been helpful to get you focused on your goals, and encouraged to conquer them.
Looking for more information on How To Manifest Your Desires? Check out "Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires" on Amazon.
What is the receiving mode according to Abraham Hicks?
The receiving mode, as explained by Abraham Hicks, is a state of alignment with your desires, where you are open and receptive to the abundance and opportunities the universe offers.
How can daily affirmations help me enter the receiving mode?
Daily affirmations help reprogram your subconscious mind, shift your vibrational frequency, and align you with your goals, making you more receptive to positive outcomes.
What are some effective daily affirmations to enhance the receiving mode?
Some effective affirmations include:
- "I am open to receiving all the good the universe has to offer."
- "I attract positive energy and abundance into my life."
- "I am worthy of all the wonderful things coming my way."
How does meditation support the receiving mode?
Meditation helps quiet the mind and fosters a state of relaxation, making it easier to focus on positive imagery and align with your desires.
What role does gratitude play in the receiving mode?
Gratitude raises your vibrational frequency, creating a positive feedback loop that attracts more blessings and enhances your receptivity to abundance.
How can I overcome limiting beliefs to enter the receiving mode?
Identify limiting thoughts, challenge them with empowering affirmations, and replace them with positive beliefs to remove blocks and align with your potential.
How do negative emotions affect the receiving mode?
Negative emotions like fear, doubt, and anger can block your receptivity. Addressing and processing these emotions is essential to maintaining a high vibrational state.
What are some techniques to release negative emotions and enhance the receiving mode?
Techniques include emotional release through journaling, talking to a trusted friend, physical exercise, and practicing self-compassion to redirect focus to positive aspects.
How often should I practice gratitude to stay in the receiving mode?
Regularly practicing gratitude, such as daily journaling or verbally expressing thanks, helps maintain a high vibrational state and enhances receptivity.
Can visualization techniques improve my ability to enter the receiving mode?
Yes, visualization techniques help you vividly picture your desired outcomes, feel positive emotions, and maintain focus, all of which enhance your vibrational alignment with your goals.
One More Thing Before You Go!
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